911 Dispatcher Training Programs

911 Dispatcher Training Programs

You need to prepare for employment as a 911 dispatcher, and this means you must meet minimum requirements. The basic requirements you need include being 18-years-old or older, have a high school diploma or equivalent. Depending on where you are trying to work, you might be...

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California City Police Department (CA) – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

California City Police Department (CA) – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs


K9 Ty succumbed to injuries sustained on August 3rd, 2016, during an apprehension of a suspect during a barricade. The subject was holding a woman and a child hostage inside a……

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City Of Fairfield California

Police Department

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Man critically ill after being pepper sprayed – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

Man critically ill after being pepper sprayed – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs


The incident took place at 5am this morning during a violent row with taxi drivers in Belfast city centre….

To learn more visit: Police News Feed

Witnesses say police used pepper spray and beat the man with batons outside of his apartment building on July 24

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Eastland County Sheriff’s Office (TX) – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

Eastland County Sheriff’s Office (TX) – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs


Deputy Sheriff Kenneth Maltby was killed in a vehicle crash on FM 570, near County Road 442, south of Eastland. A vehicle traveling in the opposite direction swerved into the opposite……

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A lawyer is facing charges, accused of punching a police officer in court.

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DC 2-Year-Old Ticketed $75 For Littering – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

DC 2-Year-Old Ticketed $75 For Littering – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs


A two-year-old Washington DC girl found herself on the wrong side of the law after a city employee recently recovered an envelope with her name on it in an alleyway.

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The envelope, which had likely fell out of a trash bag, was addressed to the little girl. As a result, a $ 75 citation was sent to her home with city officials say…

To learn more visit: Cop Block

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New policing minister: ‘I will listen to you’ – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

New policing minister: ‘I will listen to you’ – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs


Brandon Lewis told Police Superintendents he wanted to have an “open door” attitude to concerns….

To learn more visit: Police News Feed

Abu Dhabi Police Car Chase. Safe City UAE. English Version of Abu Dhabi Safe City. أبوظبي… مدينة آمنة – Abu Dhabi… Safe City

Note: The Video and Copyrights Belong to MOI UAE.

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Why team training is a SWAT unit’s lifeblood – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

Why team training is a SWAT unit’s lifeblood – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs


I complete every basic SWAT course I have ever taught with this statement, “Congratulations! You have completed basic SWAT training, but you’re not SWAT yet; not until you train with your team.” …

To learn more visit: PoliceOne Daily News

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Sex offence prosecutions at all time high – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

Sex offence prosecutions at all time high – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs


CPS releases annual report about violence against women and girls….

To learn more visit: Police News Feed

[Note added 4.3.14: This piece has just been posted on ‘A Voice for Men’, where we expect it to attract a high number of comments:

http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/feminist-governance-feminism/alison-saunders-director-of-public-prosecutions-and-the-show-trials-of-men-in-the-uk/ ]

Alison Saunders (53) is a barrister and a career civil servant who joined the Crown Prosecution Service (‘CPS’) at its inception in 1986, when she was 25. The CPS is the taxpayer-funded body which decides who’s charged with criminal offences, so it’s the body which has been responsible for instituting (at huge cost to taxpayers) a series of show trials of prominent men, many of them elderly, on charges of sexual offences — including rape. Few of these trials would have taken place in more enlightened times, as the quality of evidence is almost invariably either woefully poor or non-existent. Sometimes alleged offences date back 40 years or more. The women alleging the offences retain anonymity even when the cases fail, while the men’s identities are revealed across the mass media as soon as they’re charged. Some of the men have been financially ruined by legal costs, and it’s a wonder that none of them have yet committed suicide. It’s surely only a matter of time before one or more of them does.

The 2010 Conservative-led coalition agreement committed the coalition to re-introduce anonymity for suspects of sexual assaults and rape, but the coalition reneged on the commitment once in office.

All you need to know about Saunders’s views on how the law should treat possible perpetrators and possible victims of rape can be found in a Guardian interview from January 2012, almost two years before she was appointed head of the CPS, as Director of Public Prosecutions (November 2013). Her predecessor in the role was Keir Starmer. In December 2013 the Labour Party announced that Starmer would lead an inquiry into changing the law to give further protection to victims in cases of rape and child abuse — which would, of course, mean less protection for alleged perpetrators, overwhelmingly men. It would be unthinkable that such an enquiry could recommend the introduction of anonymity for people suspected of sexual offences.

The Guardian interview of Alison Saunders:


An extract:

‘In an interview with the Guardian, Saunders said she believed jurors were coming to court with preconceptions about women that affected the way they considered evidence. These beliefs need to be challenged if more trials aren’t to end in acquittals.

Saunders said prosecutors and detectives involved in rape cases were now trained to challenge myths and stereotypes, particularly around women who have been drinking, or those who say they have been sexually assaulted by a current or former partner.

“We have done lots of training … but there has never been that debate on a wider social basis. You can see how some members of the jury can come along with preconceived ideas, they might still subscribe to the myths and stereotypes that we have all had a go at busting…

“There have been a lot of developments about what judges can say to jurors. Judges cannot do rape cases unless they are specialists and they have been through the myth-busting courses.”

So, the life experiences and opinions of jurors aren’t to be taken as being intrinsically valuable? You can be very sure that the ‘myths and stereotypes’ aren’t in jurors’ minds, but in the minds of ‘prosecutors and detectives involved in rape cases’ who are now ‘trained’ and ‘specialist’ judges who ‘have been though the myth-busting courses’. You can be very sure those courses will be riddled with feminist propaganda, stressing that women must NEVER bear even the slightest responsibility for putting themselves in risky situations. And who’d be most interested in becoming those prosecutors, detectives and judges? Ideologically-driven people, surely.

Laura Kuenssberg recently interviewed Ms Saunders for Newsnight. There are three sections, all of them well worth watching:

0:00 — 0:27 Introduction

0:28 — 4:02 Background (much of it is absurd feminist-inspired narrative, but stick with it — typical of BBC output)

4:03 — 9:03 Alison Saunders interviewed by Laura Kuenssberg. The footage is cut short where the interview starts to cover an unrelated topic.

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Police Limit Comic: September 4, 2016 – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

Police Limit Comic: September 4, 2016 – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs


Author: Garey McKee

Police Limit Comic is published on PoliceOne every Sunday. For more than a decade, the strip's cast of unnamed characters has been constantly struggling with stresses, not only from the criminal element on the street, but also from the upper echelons of the police department's top brass, clueless judges, and the liberal media.

To learn more visit: PoliceOne Columnist Articles

Massive Heatwave is on its way for Oregon on Thursday July 28, 2016 and the Temperatures will go up to 90 to 100 Degrees Fahrenheit Especially in Interior Oregon and Portland Oregon and the Surrounding Areas and it will be Extremely Hot and Humid in the State of Oregon Especially in Portland Oregon Including Eugene Oregon and Medford Oregon too and the Hot Air is Coming from Southwestern United States that will Cause Very Hot Conditions in Oregon Especially in Portland and Salem Oregon and Water your Plants and Gardens before the Massive Heatwave comes and Drink Lots of Water and Fluids to Keep you Hydrated during the Heatwave. People in Oregon Be Prepared. Have your Hats, Sunglasses, Sunblock and Sunglasses Ready. Have your Air Conditioners Ready and Turn on the Air Conditioners to Keep you Cool and the House Cool. Make Sure to Head to the Beach to Go Swimming to Get Cooled off and Don’t Go too far and Stay Near the Shores. Head to the Swimming Pools to Get Cooled off during the Heatwave. When you are Walking Don’t Walk too Far. Don’t Wear Black and Dark Clothes during the Heatwave since Dark and Black can Attract the Heat. Limit your Outdoor Activities such as Outdoor Sports, Biking, Running, Walking and Jogging. If you Have Anybody Living in Oregon Be Prepared for the Massive Heatwave Starting on Thursday July 28, 2016. Take Care and Stay Safe and Don’t Get too Hot Stay Cool and Be Safe.


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