War on Drugs Hits Former CopBlock.org Contributor Like a Bong Rip; Shame on Joel Allred! – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

War on Drugs Hits Former CopBlock.org Contributor Like a Bong Rip; Shame on Joel Allred! – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs


Recently Edmond Dantes (as he’s known here at CopBlock.org), a former blogger at this site, contacted me about a police interaction they had about a week ago. Below is his account of that interaction which goes on to highlight the absurdity of the “War on Drugs” and the fact that Marijuana is even involved in that senseless conversation to begin with. Here’s another story, of another victim who believes in self-ownership and that as human beings we should have the right to decide what we put in our bodies – not the government or its agents. Is that so crazy? Not as crazy as this…..1e3)g=1e3;else if(200>~~g)g=200;f.height=g}if("link"===d.message)if(h=b.createElement("a"),i=b.createElement("a"),h.href=f.getAttribute("src"),i.href=d.value,i.host===h.host)if(b.activeElement===f)a.top.location.href=d.value}else;}},d)a.addEventListener("message",a.wp.receiveEmbedMessage,!1),b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",c,!1),a.addEventListener("load",c,!1)}(window,document);//-->