September public order digest published – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

September public order digest published – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

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Dear brethren and sistren,

As you may already know, how our beloved scholar Sheikh Ahmed Deedat refreshed the science of debating in the Islamic tradition. When you flip through the Islamic books, you will come across Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Ibn Taimiah, Imam Abul Baqaa’, Alama Ramatullah Al-Hindi, and so many scholars describing their debates, explaining their arguments, and refuting the opposites’. When it comes to the 21st century we just have one in mind: Sheikh Ahmad Deedat. Here I present before you my collection of Sheikh Ahmad Deedat’s debates and lectures in 3 different qualities(whenever possible) to spread the good word among us and to others, hoping that Allah (Subhanah Wa Ta’alla) guides us and them to the right path. Finally, please feel free to copy and distribute the material provided in this website and do not forget me in your prayers nor Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and every person made this videos accessible to the public

طريقة الحفظ

إضغط بالزر الآيمن للمؤشر على الرابط ثم إختر حفظ بإسم


إضغط بالزر للأيمن للمؤشر ثم إختر إسم البرنامج المستخدم في التنزيل – ينصح به للملفات الكبيرة

Ahmed Hoosen Deedat (Gujarati: અહમદ હુસેન દીદત July 1918 – 8 August 2005) was a South African writer and public speaker of Indian descent.[2][3] He was best known as a Muslim missionary, who held numerous inter-religious public debates with evangelical Christians, as well as video lectures on Islam, Christianity, and the Bible. Deedat established the IPCI, an international Islamic missionary organisation, and wrote several widely distributed booklets on Islam and Christianity. He was awarded the King Faisal International Prize in 1986 for his fifty years of missionary work. He wrote and lectured in English

Deedat received heavy criticism from liberal Muslim groups in South Africa which felt he inaccurately represented Islam and was intolerant of people of other religions, including Christians, Hindus, Jews and Jains. Several monthly editions of the Muslim Digest of South Africa (July, August, September, October) in 1986 were almost entirely devoted to criticising Deedat’s stance and “his various dangerous activities”.[33]

In 1988, following the publication of Salman Rushdie’s fictional work The Satanic Verses, Deedat supported the fatwā of the Ayatollah Khomeini calling for Rushdie’s death. He said that Rushdie “is a hypocrite and has blasphemed holy personalities. He should not be pardoned.”[34]

His ties to Islamic extremism also became increasingly documented towards the end of his life. It emerged his dawah centre, IPCI, was heavily financed by the Bin Laden family and that he had personally met Osama Bin Laden, whom he described positively.[35]

Deedat’s debates and writings have been labelled a form of apologetics[4] by Lloyd V. J. Ridgeon, professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Glasgow.

Muslim scholar Farid Esack has criticised Deedat, comparing him to such fundamentalists as Rabbi Meir Kahane and Jerry Falwell, and writing:[36]

Deedat’s multitude of anti-Christian, anti-Jewish and anti-Hindu videotapes have told us all that there is to be told about the other, and we are comfortable with that. There are times, of course, when questions surface about the importance of correct dogma, about the importance of labels to a God whom we believe sees beyond labels and looks at the hearts of people. Instead of pursuing these questions, we hasten back and seek refuge in “the known.” We order another of those Deedat tapes.[36]

The Stephen Roth institute for the study of contemporary antisemitism and racism calls Deedat “anti-Jewish” but does not elaborate.[37] In France sale and distribution of his books has been forbidden since 1994 as they are said to be violently anti-western, antisemitic and inciting to racial hate. [38]

Following his 1981 debate with Deedat, Josh McDowell released a book co-authored with John Gilchrist entitled “The Islam Debate”, which included criticism of a number of Deedat’s arguments from a Christian perspective.[39] Deedat responded to McDowell’s book in chapters 17 and 19 of “Crucifixion or Cruci-fiction”.[40]

In his last tour to Australia, the publicity resulting from the presence of Deedat caused Franca Arena, member of the Legislative Council of the government of New South Wales to comment in her speech concerning racism:

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September public order digest published