Police Limit Comic: August 21, 2016 – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs

Police Limit Comic: August 21, 2016 – 911 Dispatcher Training Programs


Author: Garey McKee

Police Limit Comic is published on PoliceOne every Sunday. For more than a decade, the strip's cast of unnamed characters has been constantly struggling with stresses, not only from the criminal element on the street, but also from the upper echelons of the police department's top brass, clueless judges, and the liberal media.

To learn more visit: PoliceOne Columnist Articles

Dentists kill lions, Republican presidential candidates insult women and threaten to use force to stop women from having abortions, and American cops kill more people in a month than Norwegian cops have killed in nine years. Um, yay? Watch it and weep.

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Police Limit Comic: August 21, 2016